If I can do it, so can you!!

I DID IT! I DID IT! I DID IT!!!! I’m still in a state of shock I think, can you tell?! Yesterday was absolutely flipping awesome, it was the London Winter 10km Run ….. that’s 10km did you get that?! Not only did I do it, I ran the entire thing, with the exception of a 30 second walk at the 8km marker and that is HUGEEEEE!! I apologise for today’s excessive use of the exclamation marks but I need to try and deliver my excitement to anyone reading ๐Ÿ˜€ I even got another beautiful medal to add to my dazzling collection ๐Ÿ˜€ย 193651BF-3097-4934-9E5C-12D74F6DD860

Back on the 15th of September last year I decided to enter a half marathon, there are a few reasons for entering but I think the biggest was simply to prove to myself that I can achieve anything I want too if I put my mind to it. On the 17th I started running with the help of the couch to 5k app and I nearly dropped dead at the end of the first session! Each time I did a run I felt a huge sense of achievement but was convinced my fitness was never going to reach the distances I needed it too. I came across an ad on Facebook for this Winter Run and I decided it would be a good ‘warm up’ to work towards before the Hastings Half Marathon, plus according to my schedule I was due to be up to 10km by then anyway. So, I entered that one too and I cracked on with the running app, I’ve tried to go every other day or at least three times a week since I started and with the exception of a couple I’ve actually managed to stick to that schedule. Now then, I thought as I got fitter I would start to enjoy running however that doesn’t appear to have happened! I guess it’s just not my thing and that’s fine but it’s not going to stop me, perhaps after I’ve had my operations and I feel better in myself I’ll see if I enjoy it more but for now I shall get the half marathon done then hang up my trainers until I’ve completed my surgeries.

So, the training has been hard, but I’ve done it! I’m officially half way to my insane target and that in itself is a massive achievement for me, I’m incredibly lucky to have such supportive family and friends surrounding me and pushing me along the way. There have been a few occasions where I have REALLLLY not wanted to go out for a run, I mean it’s freezing, wet and windy and I get home from working outside wanting nothing more than to snuggle up with my little dog, then a little voice in my head tells me it’s run day and I start concocting a list of reasons why I can’t go, that’s when my Dad usually pipes up and makes me go! B68F554D-C0A5-40C7-B569-F855EF41FA83Thank goodness for him I say, those are the days where I would normally give up, decide it’s too difficult and say I’ve got better things to do with my time, but nope he makes me go and then I almost always get home feeling ten times better and pleased with my efforts!!

Which brings me back to this weekend just gone and the unbelievable fact that I ran a full 10km (my Strava below seemed to think it was 10.5km not sure why!), and did so three whole minutes inside my target time of 70 … that’s 67 minutes of non stop running – ooooo that sounds so awesome when I put it like that!! I’m telling you, if I can do that then the world is unstoppable! You choose your dreams, you apply your heart and you achieve those goals, never let anyone stand in your way. People will doubt you, there’ll always be those who feel the need to laugh at your ideas or doubt your abilities but just channel that negativity into energy to thrive and succeed. My friend and I now need to find some inner enthuasim to tackle the next stage of training but Iโ€™m confident it will happen, I shall continue to believe and achieve!!


I’m really starting to feel the aches tonight and mega sleepy so I’ll leave it there and get me some rest but just wanted to post a quick update on the fabulous fun I’ve been having ๐Ÿ™‚ Follow me on instagram @mylipoedemalife for more frequent updates and postings on my running journey!!

Much Love xxxxx

Proof that I was still smiling at the end …..

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